So, why do high-performance models choose large-size brake discs and pads? The more reasonable explanation is that the increase of the contact area is conducive to heat dissipation and reduce the thermal attenuation effect when braking. Turklāt, ja bremžu spilventiņš ir mazs, to ir viegli berzēt ļoti plāni, ja bremžu spilventiņš ir liels, tas aizkavēs retināšanas laiku.
The so-called thermal attenuation refers to that when braking vigorously, due to the intense friction between the brake pad and the brake disc, the friction material of the brake pad is softened by thermal expansion, and the friction coefficient is reduced, thus affecting the bremzēšanas izrāde.
In general, replace the brake pads more than 3 times, you need to replace a new brake disc. Protams, automašīnas lietošanas procesā katru reizi, kad nomaināt bremžu klučus, jums jāpārbauda bremžu diska nodiluma dziļums. Ja tas sasniedz 2 mm, tas jānomaina laikā.
When replacing the new brake pads, the master can help check whether the return of the brake pump is good. If for some reason, the brake sub-pump, that is, the return of the hydraulic piston is not normal, it will seriously wear the brake pads and brake discs. Būs daudz postījumu.
Pasta laiks: janvāris-14-2025